
How did everyone go yesterday? Hope you all had a wonderful day no matter how you chose to spend it. What did you cook? Would love to hear from you and please do share any photos to the facebook page or to instagram and tag me #veetsvegancookingschool. Today is my favourite day of all the festive days. Boxing day was traditionally a more relaxed day for our family. A day we would sit in the pool or spa or sit dripping wet in front of the TV watching the Boxing Day Cricket Match. My friend Penny would often pop over and we would play cricket cards and of course have loads of laughs. Mum would bring out the salads again and we would feast on the trifle and choose chocolates from boxes.


Meals to Take Away On Holiday

Do you love to go out to eat when you are on holiday? Or are you like me and the sheer thought of going out to eat when away fills you with dread? As I love to eat good quality organic food, eating out doesn’t always interest me, then the whole vegan thing and possibly having my food cooked in the same pans as meat thrills me even less. So I usually do the majority of the cooking when I go away.

