Curried Kale, Sweet Potato, Pea and Carrot Soup

I’m home. Yahoo. It’s fantastic to be home and it was one of the best months of my life to be away in the beautiful Osho International Meditation Resort in India. I feel fully refreshed and committed even more to my meditation and sharing fabulous recipes with you and facilitating the courses I offer you all.


A Savoury Pancake Recipe Everyone Must Have

The Vegan Chef and Lifestyle Training is half way through for 2018 and it’s racing along at record speed with amazing food prepared and cooked each day. On Wednesday we start the sixth module, which is all about specific dietary requirements. Only nine days ago we had completed module three on Ayurveda. So much to learn and everyone is gobbling it up (pun intended).


Creamy Malai Kofta (with sunflower seed sauce)

Last week the graduating chefs of 2016 came together for a two day refresher course. On the first day we made all things Indian and one of the many dishes we made was Malai Kofta which are vegetable balls served with a creamy sauce. It is a simple recipe which you can easily make nut free by using sunflower seeds instead of cashews. This is the third and final recipe in my series of blogs on nut free recipes. I hope you enjoy this wonderful Indian meal.


Tridoshic Vegetable Curry

A few ideas on slowing down and still get everything done (and a great recipe too)

It is ironic that I am writing about the topic of slowing down and I know my beloved partner Mak is going to raise his eyebrows when he sees this post as he is surrounded by my 'busy ness' every minute of the day. If you were to see my house and my diary right now you would wonder what I could possibly offer you in the ways of ideas of slowing down. My front lounge room is piled high with catering boxes that were loaded in there last night after teaching all weekend.
