Not Salmon Cakes and Jam Drops

This week’s blog comes with quite a story. I hope you love stories. I love stories, my grandmother always told us stories and I would relish in every word. Its book review week and I am reviewing a very special book this week that unfortunately isn’t for sale. It’s a family cookbook of my best friend from school’s grandmother. Penny Curtis and I have been friends since we were eleven. We both grew up in the Northern Territory. We loved our grandmothers and talked of them fondly. They both lived elsewhere mine in New York state and Penny’s in Herberton, Queensland.


Camping meals made in one pot

For those of you following Veet’s Vegan Cooking School on Instagram and Facebook you will probably remember I recently went away on a camping road trip and promised to bring back some recipes from my time on the road. Well here is the first installment. Now I am back in my big kitchen with all my fancy equipment I really miss my camp food. I love that I only had one pot to wash up and that I made just enough food for the two of us with no left overs to have to deal with.
