Plenty of people seem to be catching colds as the cooler weather sets in. Determined to stay well and keep on doing what I love doing - working in the kitchen and teaching The Vegetarian Chef and Lifestyle Training- I will keep my immunity in tip top condition.

When I do start to feel like I am getting run down I do the following very easy things to keep me in good shape. Hope you find these three tips useful and please share if you feel they can help someone, especially those friends and family members who tend to catch whatever is going around.

One- drink rosehip tea

Rosehip tea is a winner it is packed with vitamin C. Two to three cups of this and any virus that is thinking of residing in your body will be sent on its merry way.

Two - soup with roesmary, oregano, bay and lemon

The combination of these herbs with lemon really work. Rosemary is full of vitamin c and is a good source of antioxidants and iron. Oregano is also packed with vitamin C and   bay leaves and rosemary contain vitamin k which help restore mucus membranes and skin repair. This is a Greek herb combination of herbs and I really think  Greek people know how to take care of others  when they are not well.

1 tbsp of fresh rosemary finely chopped

1 tbsp of fresh oregano finely chopped

2 bay leaves

and what ever you choose to put in the soup

I have a few handfuls of red split lentils

2 carrots diced finely

1 bunch kale finely sliced

with water and organic herb salt

garlic if I feel too and some diced onions

Cook the soup and at the end add the zest and juice of 1 lemon.

Three- reduce acidic foods and increase alkalising foods

Even though I have a great balance of alkalising foods in my diet if I am starting to feel run down I reduce the intake of the acidic forming foods. So I cut reduce my two cups of black tea to one and make sure I have lots of leafy green veg. If you are eating dairy cut it out for a good few days and stop all meat and reduce your intake of alcohol. Then cook up a big plate of leafy greens and include some raw food into your meal as raw food is incredibly alkalising.

Spiralise or grate some zucchini and make a quick tomato pasta sauce or mix through some avocado and lemon juice and some flaked almonds. Make a coleslaw from grated zucchini, carrot and red cabbage and add lots of parsley and a lemon and olive oil dressing- all alkalizing. Completely stop eating any processed foods or food contaitng sugar and increase foods from the following list broccoli, kale, dandelion, parsley, pumpkin, rocket Spirulina water cress, zucchini, parsley, watermelon, honey dew, coriander and cucumbers.

Categories:Soups Drinks

Tags:alkalising rosehip vitamin c

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