Strawberry and Mint Lassi

I am so happy to be back writing blog posts for you. A two week break visiting my parents was wonderful but I missed writing these weekly newsletters and sharing recipes with you.


The Perfect Salad

In 2013 I was asked to cater for the wedding of Sarah and Jo. All the weddings that I have catered are memorable and I feel grateful for the opportunity to have been part of their special day. Sarah and Jo’s wedding I remember so well as I was amazed at how relaxed and surrendered they were about the catering.


Happy 2018: Celebrate with Five Smoothie Recipes

Happy 2018 everyone. I hope that you are having a great year so far, nine days in. I wish you all a year of abundance, balance, good food and above all kindness. It is feeling a really kind year so far with the vegan January initiative seeing a big increase on people signing up to try out a month on a vegan diet. In December one person was signing up every six seconds.



How did everyone go yesterday? Hope you all had a wonderful day no matter how you chose to spend it. What did you cook? Would love to hear from you and please do share any photos to the facebook page or to instagram and tag me #veetsvegancookingschool. Today is my favourite day of all the festive days. Boxing day was traditionally a more relaxed day for our family. A day we would sit in the pool or spa or sit dripping wet in front of the TV watching the Boxing Day Cricket Match. My friend Penny would often pop over and we would play cricket cards and of course have loads of laughs. Mum would bring out the salads again and we would feast on the trifle and choose chocolates from boxes.


No resolutions for me, only celebrations (mocktails to celebrate every day of the year)

How is the new year shaping up for you five days in? For me lots of relaxation and fun with my parents, what a great start. Many ask me what resolutions I have made for 2017 and the answer is none. 


Flavouring Water

Flavouring Water

Clean sparkling drinkable water is very much on my mind at the moment, as it is for many in the Byron Bay Shire, where we live.  A one hour drive away from where I live is a town called Bentley and in that town there is a proposed coal seam gas mining site. Just this morning three thousand people including myself held vigil at 5 am in a gathering of peaceful protection of our land and water. Up to 98 % of the people in the area do not want coal seam gas mining to take place however, the mining company are still trying to push through with it.
