Eggplant Zorba

Ok what is the story with eggplants. Many are declaring they can’t eat eggplants these days as they are nightshades. People with autoimmune disease or arthritis are being advised that the alkaloids in nightshades (tomatoes, eggplant, tamarillos, capsicums, potatoes) may be harmful. However at this stage there is no research to indicate this. Some people cut them out and have a noticeable difference and others don’t. For those people who don’t have autoimmune diseases, eggplants and other nightshades boast a whole range of essential nutrients and wonderful health benefits.


Lasagne in a Bowl

Moringa is rich in calcium as well as boasting a large range of health benefits. It is definitely something to add into ones diet. I first came across moringa in the Himalayas. The women in the high altitude mountain ranges were feeding it to their toddlers, ensuring their babes got enough calcium.


Amaranth and tofu filled pumpkin

Happy New Year everyone, wishing you a fabulous year this year with exceptionally good health and delicious food. As usual I am not doing resolutions but have a word for 2022 and it is: CRUISE


Spaghetti Salad with Artichokes and Green Veg

Resistance starch has had lots of attention of late and rightly so. Resistance starch is starch from food that does not get digested in the upper gastrointestinal tract (small intestine) it skips digestion and makes its way to the large intestine where it is broken down by resistant bacteria and then fermented providing good bacteria for the gut micro biome. A good micro biome boosts our immune system and prevents us from catching diseases including cancer and also protects us from getting type 2 diabetes.


Sleepy Time Salad with Fetta Sauce

What sort of sleep do you get? Do you sleep right through the night without waking up, or do you have broken sleep, or do you suffer from insomnia? If you struggle with sleep (like I do) you may be happy to know that what we eat in the evening meal can have an impact on our sleep. There has been extensive research done on food for sleep. So this week I share with you some of the things I have been finding out.


Zinc Rich Ramen Soup

Do you know if you are you getting enough zinc in your diet? Our bodies are dependent on the mineral zinc for body growth and development and zinc is especially important for the nervous and reproductive systems and of course the immune system. The body does not store a pool of zinc so it is essential that we have a daily intake of zinc. As many are worried about borders opening up in Australia and the possibility of catching any viruses going around it is important to stay diligent with ensuring you are absorbing enough zinc each day.


Nurturing Broth

Another week, another blog. This one is a goodie and one to keep for just in case you ever feel unwell. Every fourth blog will be dedicated to a subscriber’s request and actually I have a blog schedule happening that I am really enjoying right now.


Green and White Salad

Do you add oil to your pasta cooking water? Have you been told it prevents your pasta sticking together/ I stopped adding oil to my pasta water more than a decade ago because my pasta never stuck together whether I had oil in the water or not and I just thought it was a waste of oil.


Mongolian Tofu and Mushrooms

The mighty mushroom is a definite must add food to any diet and especially into a vegan diet as mushrooms really are packed with a whole lot of goodness. Mushrooms contain a rich source of essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids that help reduce serum cholesterol. Mushrooms also boast a whole load of antioxidants which can protect the body from cardiovascular disease, they are low in sodium and contain the B vitamins, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin and folate which are all necessary in energy production, supporting metabolism and lowering LDL cholesterol. In addition mushrooms are a great source of fibre and tocopherols (vitamin E), which helps with skin, heart and eye health and lowers the risk of cancer. Lectins found in mushrooms are also known to have anti tumor activities.


Sushi Sandwich

Who grew up with iodized salt on their table? Did you know what iodized meant or were you just used to reading the word every time you saw it in its white and orange plastic tub. It seemed to be the standard salt everyone had in their homes growing up in the 70’s and 80’s. It was branded as the important thing to have to stay healthy and then it seemed to disappear. It is still sold in supermarkets and is occasionally spotted on someone’s dinning room table or on top of the cooker range.

