A great way to make organic food cheap

I am baffled when people tell me they would eat organic food if it were cheaper. I buy organic lettuce from my farmers market for the exact same price as I would if I bought a lettuce from the super market. My farmers market lettuce is a bit smaller but it definitely is more filling and it lasts much longer in the fridge. Organic apples are $2 more dearer per kilo from my local farmers market but so much more delicious and i can buy smaller apples than in the supermarket so in the end per apple it works out cheaper as I never need such a big apple anyway.

What I have noticed is prepackaged organic produce is more expensive.

For example I can buy the most divine almond hummus at our local health food store and a tub of it costs $8.95. Which is actually reasonable when you think the shop had to pay the staff to make it, pay for the electricity for the shop to operate and in our town pay for the hefty rent each week.

However if I make it myself that tub would only cost around $4 to make.

Quite recently I made 3 x 1 litre tubs of brazil nut hummus for a small $28. I could not possibly eat it all myself so froze it. But have decided next time I make it to see if a few friends want to make it together with me and we will have a litre each for half the cost of what we could buy it in the health food shop. The same goes for the recipe I share with you also in this blog- the harrisa- a tiny jar of harrisa in the health food shop costs $6.95 and I made a huge jar for just that price.

So the moral of the story and a great way to make organic food cheap is to make your own. Another way is to make your own with others. If you see some bulk food or food at the market cheaper than normal, buy it in bulk call up your friends and have a day of making what you love (similar to Italian tomato day). Hope you enjoy these wonderfully all organic recipes

Brazil Nut Hummus


1 cup brazil nuts soaked in flitered water for up to 6 hours

1 garlic clove minced (optional)

1 cup tahini

juice of 1 to 2 lemons

up to 1 cup of filtered water or enough water to thin the hummus to your liking salt to taste


1 big glug olive oil

sprinkling of paprika

4 kalamata olives


In a food processor grind the nuts until very fine, add the minced garlic if using and also add the tahini. Give it a quick process and add the lemon juice and water to thin. Salt to taste. To serve place the hummus in a bowl and make a shallow bit in the middle, splash on the olive oil, sprinkle on the paprika and arrange the olives on top. # to store the hummus you can put olive oil on top and place in the fridge- this will last for up to a week.


2 to 4 capsicums red orange or yellow

1 to 2 cloves garlic (optional)

2 tsp cumin seeds

2 tsp ground coriander seeds

salt to taste

as many chillies as you like - i use 5 small hot ones- (it is firey- so up to you )

olive oil to cover In a food processor or blender

add the cumin seeds give it a good whiz then add the rest of the ingredients except the oil and process until blended. Store in a jar and cover with olive oil. Store in the fridge for up to a week.    


Tags:brazil nuts capsicums tahini

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